The Domestic Violence Shelter, Inc. in Wilmington, NC is seeking the following donations. Your support helps the shelter provide the necessary tools and supplies for families and victims of domestic violence. Please place your donations in the bins anytime between September 12-15 in the Gathering Space or at the entrance of the Parish Office or Parish Hall.
Dunkin' Donuts gift card
Starbucks gift card
Burger King gift card
Fragrant lotions
Shampoo and conditioner
Laundry detergent
Purses and wallets
Stews, chili
Hormel Completes
Snacks (cookies, chips, etc.)
Gum (sugar-free)
Halloween candy
Cake, cookie, and dessert mixes
Jewelry (used/like new/new)
Cross pendants
Men's athletic shorts (size medium)
Used/like-new clothes (men, women, and children - all sizes)
Ladies dresses and/or dress suits (casual and formal)
Shoes (men and women - all sizes)
For more information about the Domestic Violence Shelter Collection, please contact Sonya Leonard at [email protected].