November 30-December 1: First Sunday of Advent December 7-8: Second Sunday of Advent
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Holy Day of Obligation December 9: 8:30am (English) & 6:30pm (Bilingual)
December 12: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 4am: Mexican Band 5am: Mañanitas 6:30am: Mass (Spanish) 8:30am: Mass (English) 6pm: Mass (Christ the King, Spanish)
December 14: Parish Advent Retreat, 12pm-4pm December 14-15: Third Sunday of Advent
Posadas (all in Spanish) December 16, 18, 20, 22, & 23: 6:30pm, St. Mark December 17 & 19: 7:30pm, St. Mark December 21: 7pm, Christ the King
Dec. 21-22: Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 24: Christmas Eve* 4pm: Children's Mass (English) 6pm: Mass (Christ the King, Spanish) 6:30pm: Mass (English, incense) 8:30pm: Mass (Vietnamese) 11pm (10:30pm - Prelude): "Midnight" Mass (English, incense)
December 25: Nativity of the Lord/Christmas Day* 9:30am (English) & 11:30am (Bilingual, incense) / No confessions
*All Christmas Masses in church. Overflow in Parish Hall with livestream of the Mass and distribution of Holy Communion.
December 26: No Masses December 27: 8:30am (English) / No Adoration
Dec. 28-29: Feast of the Holy Family
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God; New Year's Eve/Day Holy Day of Obligation December 31 (Vigil Masses): 5pm (English) & 7pm (Spanish, St. Mark) January 1: 9:30am (English) & 11:30am (Bilingual) / No confessions
Note: On Wednesday, December 11th, all three of our priests will be at the Basilica of St. Mary in downtown Wilmington for their Advent Communal Penance Service. As a result, there will be NO confessions at St. Mark that evening. We encourage you to attend St. Mary's penance service on December 11th at 7pm.
Advent Communal Penance Service Confession with visiting priests from Cape Fear Deanery Thursday, December 5: 11am-12pm, St. Mark Wednesday, December 18: 7pm-8pm, St. Mark
*St. Mark Advent & Christmas schedule reflected here may differ from annual Christmas card due to recent changes. Please continue to check the website, e-newsletter, and bulletin for latest updates. Contact the parish office for any questions.